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Instructions for licence holders

A holder of a security sector business licence must have such general written instructions that allow the guards and security stewards to carry out their guarding and security stewarding duties correctly and safely (operating procedures). If the conditions in the area or site being guarded or in the duty area of a security steward require, the holder of a security sector business licence must also have separate operating procedures specific to the area or site being guarded or the duty area.

The holder of a security sector business licence must keep the operating procedures in a visible place in their facilities and, if necessary, in their guard sites or duty areas. Security guards and security stewards must be given the chance to acquire the operating procedures. 

Contents of the operating procedures

Depending on the type of planned activities, operating procedures typically consist of 5-20 pages. They usually begin with company information and basic instructions (for example working hours, sick days, occupational health care etc.).

The operating procedures must furthermore cover the following provisions of the Act on private security services: 

  • Section 2: Definition of a security services and/or security stewarding
  • Sections 3–9: General principles governing security services business
  • Sections 14–23: On security guard licences, rights and equipment and use of force
  • Sections 24–34: General principles governing security stewarding
  • Sections 39–52: On security steward licences, rights and equipment and use of force

It is a good idea that the operating procedures include general guidelines on security and how to call the emergency number 112. When writing these instructions, it is a good idea to take advantage of templates available in a number of sources.

In addition to the general operating procedures of a business licence holder for the security sector, the licence holder is also encouraged to write more detailed instructions for each site, which will enable guards and security stewards to perform their duties in accordance with the client contracts.

Private Security Services Act 1085/2015 on Finlex (in Finnish)