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1150 results
  • The suspect of homicide in Espoo on Oct 13th placed in pretrial detention

    16.10.2024 15.57

    The relationship between the man suspected of murder and his victim had ended a few weeks prior to the crime. Western Uusimaa Police Department continues to investigate the events leading up to the...

    Western Uusimaa Police Department Offences and criminal investigation Espoo News criminal cases homicides Western Uusimaa Police Department
  • Police control operation of persons driving while intoxicated in July has improved traffic safety

    15.10.2024 12.17

    The statistics show positive development. The number of victims of accidents caused by persons driving while intoxicated has decreased by one third. How has this been achieved?

    National Police Board Traffic News Front page top news traffic surveillance traffic accidents National Police Board traffic casualties
  • The charge of manslaughter has been changed to murder in the homicide case at Espoo on Oct 13th

    15.10.2024 9.56

    Western Uusimaa Police Department continues the investigation into a case of a man suspected of committing homicide with a firearm at Henttaa, Espoo. The police have questioned the suspect.

    Western Uusimaa Police Department Offences and criminal investigation Espoo News criminal cases Western Uusimaa Police Department
  • Man suspected of manslaughter in Espoo

    14.10.2024 10.27

    A violent crime took place in Henttaa, Espoo, on October 13th. The crime is currently being investigated by the Western Uusimaa Police as a homicide. The victim and the suspect are both adult males.

    Western Uusimaa Police Department Offences and criminal investigation Espoo News criminal cases Western Uusimaa Police Department
  • Criminal investigation into suspected war crimes in Ukraine closed by National Bureau of Investigation

    11.10.2024 9.17

    The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has completed criminal investigation into suspected war crimes committed in Ukraine in 2014. One person is suspected of several war crimes, including an...

    The National Bureau of Investigation News crimes preliminary investigation criminal procedure criminal cases The National Bureau of Investigation war crimes
  • Police monitored morning commuter traffic nationwide last week

    10.10.2024 13.18

    The monitoring of morning commuting traffic again proved necessary. During the monitoring operation, which continued from Monday to Friday, the police caught nine people causing a serious traffic...

    National Police Board Traffic News organisations traffic National Police Board journey to work
  • The number of suspected hate crimes peaked last year

    10.10.2024 10.00

    According to an annual report by the Police University College, the number of suspected hate crimes continued to increase in 2023.

    Research and development operations Offences and criminal investigation Tampere Police University College research and development operations research activity publications literary works Police University College hate crimes research activities
  • Police inspected more than 200 restaurants during intensive control operation in September

    10.10.2024 9.56

    During the weekend of 27–29 September 2024, the police inspected licensed premises across Finland. More than 200 restaurants were inspected. As part of the supervision of restaurant operations, the...

    National Police Board Law enforcement and response News public order National Police Board restaurants
  • Marko Viitanen appointed police chief at Eastern Uusimaa Police Department

    4.10.2024 14.18

    The post will be filled for a maximum period of five years from 1.11.2024 to 31.10.2029.

    National Police Board Police operations and development Front page top news News police National Police Board managers and executives police chiefs leaders
  • The police are conducting a security inspection in the area of the Russian Embassy at the request of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Helsinki

    3.10.2024 17.59

    The police are responsible for ensuring public order and safety, as well as the crime investigation in Finland. The premises of diplomatic missions are inviolable under international agreements.

    Law enforcement and response Helsinki Helsinki Police Department News police departments representations Helsinki Police Department
  • A demonstration may cause significant traffic disruption in Helsinki

    26.9.2024 15.32

    According to information obtained by the police from public sources, Extinction Rebellion is organizing a demonstration in downtown Helsinki on Friday, September 27th, starting at 4.00 PM....

    Helsinki Police Department Law enforcement and response Helsinki News public order Helsinki Police Department
  • Police concerned about increased mobile phone texting while driving

    24.9.2024 13.47

    The police controlled the use of safety devices and mobile phones in an intensified nationwide operation last week on 16-20 September 2024. The operation revealed an extremely concerning...

    National Police Board Traffic News organisations traffic traffic safety traffic surveillance National Police Board
  • Police again to control elk hunting this autumn

    24.9.2024 10.23

    The police will carry out an intensified elk and deer hunting control operation during 30 September – 27 October. The operation will be carried out when the elk hunting season is already underway...

    National Police Board Law enforcement and response News firearms National Police Board hunting hunting and fishing Cervidae hunting and fishing control
  • Suspects collected kickbacks from nurses for arrival in Finland – some injured parties became indebted due to the payments

    24.9.2024 10.00

    The national human trafficking investigative team of the Helsinki Police Department is transferring a suspected criminal case for the consideration of charges as aggravated usury. The police...

    Helsinki Police Department Offences and criminal investigation Helsinki News human trafficking criminal cases Helsinki Police Department
  • Free guided tour in English on 29 October 

    23.9.2024 16.02

    The Police Museum will arrange a free guided tour for the public on Tuesday, 29 October at 5:30 p.m.

    Tampere Police Museum opening hours guidance Police Museum
  • Child seat needed even on short trips – nearly one tenth disagrees

    12.9.2024 9.25

    Children must use a child seat when travelling by car even on the shortest trips, regardless of the parents’ opinions. The Finnish Road Safety Council is participating in the police's child seat...

    National Police Board News organisations traffic safety seats seat belts National Police Board
  • Applicants for the posts of police chief at Eastern Uusimaa and Southwestern Finland police departments

    10.9.2024 13.47

    Three persons have applied for the post of police chief at Eastern Uusimaa Police Department and three persons for the post of police chief at Southwestern Finland Police Department. The National...

    National Police Board News police National Police Board appointments to office
  • A demonstration may cause significant traffic disruption in Helsinki

    6.9.2024 16.23

    According to the police information, the Extinction Rebellion will organize a demonstration in downtown Helsinki on Saturday, September 7th, starting at 5 PM.

    Helsinki Police Department Law enforcement and response Helsinki News public order Helsinki Police Department
  • Police submitted 254 child welfare notifications during street enforcement theme week

    6.9.2024 15.06

    Police departments carried out an intensified street and substance abuse enforcement campaign during the Venetian Festival weekend, 29 August-1 September, and the preceding week. Monitoring focused...

    National Police Board News public order intoxicants National Police Board Venetian night festivals
  • A demonstration may cause significant traffic disruption in Helsinki

    2.9.2024 17.04

    Extinction Rebellion has notified the police about a demonstration starting on Tuesday, September 3rd at 3 PM. The preliminary route of the demonstration procession is: Parliament House −...

    Helsinki Police Department Law enforcement and response Helsinki News public order Helsinki Police Department

Uutisarkiston infolaatikko en

Useful information

Police University College news archive (you will go to another website)

Police Museum news archive (you will go to another website)

The news archive of Åland police (in Swedish, you will go to another website)