Using your passport

Using your passport

When you use your passport, keep in mind that

  • even young children need to have their own passport.
  • the information on the passport must be up-to-date. If you change your name, you cannot use a passport with your old name on it as a travel document.
  • you must apply for a new passport if you can no longer be identified from the photograph on it. This also applies to children.
  • identity must be protected. Contact the police immediately if your passport gets lost or stolen.
  • an expired, broken or damaged passport will not get you through border control.

Using your passport- haitarit

What should I do if my passport is lost or stolen?

What should I do if my passport is lost or stolen?

Protect your identity: If your passport is lost or stolen, report it to the police. This is very important in order to prevent abuse. 

Submit the report using the electronic form for reporting an offence or visit a police station. Submit a detailed explanation of how you lost your passport. If you lose your passport abroad, you can contact a Finnish mission to report it. 

You can apply for a new passport after submitting a report.

Passport is cancelled and a warrant is issued for it: The police will register your report and cancel your lost or stolen passport. A warrant is issued for your passport in Finland and abroad.

The cancellation is permanent: You can no longer use a passport reported lost or stolen or revalidate it even if it was found later.

Report a lost passport using the electronic crime report form.

Security features in Finnish passports

Security features in Finnish passports

Being able to verify the authenticity of identity documents is very important. Identity documents issued by the police include passports and identity cards. Several versions of both types of documents are in use. The appearance and security features of identity documents are amended and updated regularly. Introduction of new passport models has no effect on the validity of older passport models.

For more information about Finnish and other European travel and identity documents, visit the public register of authentic travel and identity documents of the Council of the European Union.

Features of an ordinary Finnish passport

Features of Finnish passports (models issued from 13.3.2023)

Suomen passien ominaisuudet - haitarit en

Cancelling a passport

Cancelling a passport

A passport is always cancelled if it is reported lost or stolen. A passport can also be cancelled for other reasons listed below. 

The police or the authority that issued the passport cancel passports. Authorities confiscate all cancelled passports.

In general, passport holders can only hold one valid passport at a time. Your old passport will expire as soon as you have been issued a new passport, even if there is still time left on your old passport.

Cancelling the passport - haitarit

Do you know why Finnish passports are only valid for five years at a time?

Do you know why Finnish passports are only valid for five years at a time?

The reason is that issuing passports for a longer period of time would make it more difficult to identify individuals from their passport photos and could jeopardise the information security of microchips and other security features.

Näin käytät passia - kuva oikeaan palstaan en

Picture of the cover of a Finnish passport.