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Also weapons rendered unfit for use must also be reported to the police

Publication date 22.2.2024 15.21
News item

Under the Firearms Act, a weapon rendered permanently unfit for use or deactivated must be reported to the police by 15 July 2024. Notification can be submitted electronically.

The Firearms Act requires you to report a firearm rendered permanently unfit for use or deactivated to the police. Such weapons may be used as mementos or heirlooms in homes. Notification must be made before 15 July 2024. If the current holder of the firearm has already reported the firearm to the police, notification does not need to be made again. The reporting obligation applies both to firearm holders and the estates of deceased persons.

The police would like to remind you that after 15 July 2024, possession of an unregistered weapon that is unfit for use will be a punishable offence by law. A firearm, which has been rendered permanently unfit for use or deactivated, can only be transferred to a new owner, if it has been deactivated according to the latest requirements after 28 June 2018.

The easiest way to submit a notification is via the police e-services

Electronic notification may be submitted via the police e-services. The form on which to report a firearm rendered permanently unfit for use or deactivated provides instructions on how to fill in the required information. Electronic notification is quick and a visit to the police station is unnecessary in most cases. The police will ask you to present the weapon only if you have given insufficient information on the form for registration.
To access police e-services, go the website and select 

If necessary, you can also report the weapon at a police station. You can find the contact information of police stations on the website.

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