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Police controlled driving speeds and driving habits at the weekend – more than a thousand drove recklessly in traffic

Publication date 13.6.2023 13.35 | Published in English on 13.6.2023 at 15.57
Type:News item
A policeman in uniform uses radar to measure the speed of cars.

The police controlled driving speeds and driving habits in a nationwide campaign last weekend on 9–11 June.

A total of 702 fines and 172 traffic penalty fees were imposed. In addition to which 79 incidents of causing a serious traffic hazard were reported. 

A total of 149 drivers drove their vehicle in such a way that they met the criteria for gross negligence. This means that they exceeded the maximum permitted speed by more than 30 kilometres an hour. 

Penalties were also issued to 17-year-olds with age exception permits for a driving licence. Of these, 22 received fines for speeding, five were suspected of causing a serious traffic hazard and 13 for gross negligence.

Driving speed is a major risk factor in fatal traffic accidents. As speed increases, so do the risks of various errors resulting in accidents. The consequences of such accidents are also usually more serious. 

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